Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Sonic Battle Playset Action Figures, Robonik's Giant Battleset

SKU: Sonic Roboniks battle set

Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Sonic Battle Playset Action Figures, Robonik's Giant Battleset, 9 x 4 x 16 inches

  • Battle to defeat Robotnik’s Giant Eggman Robot with this playset based on the final scene from the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie!
  • Includes an exclusive 2.5-inch scale Super Sonic figure
  • Move the arms for smashing! Use the bridge to launch Super Sonic and defeat the Giant Eggman Robot!
  • Playset includes Giant Eggman Robot, bridge, and Super Sonic action figure
  • Suggested for kids ages 3 years and up